Choose the Right Epoxy Flooring Experts in Worcester, MA

Choose quality with GNU Garage.

Epoxy flooring. It's popular, it's strong, and it's beautiful. But for your home or business in Worcester, Massachusetts, it's important that you find the right flooring experts to do the job. Epoxy, especially flake epoxy for garages, is being installed in new floors every day due to its durability and low maintenance, but the results depend on the flooring contractor you hire.

In this article, our team at GNU Garage wants to give you a few tips on what to look out for in a professional epoxy flooring contractor.

What To Look For In A Professional Epoxy Contractor

Experience & Expertise

Experience is key in any contracting job. It's important to choose a company that has been in the business for a while and has a proven, public track record of success. A reputable and experienced flooring expert doesn't just bring knowledge of industry standards, but also on-the-job experience. From the best techniques to apply epoxy, to how to troubleshoot any issues and surprises that may arise during the installation process. Find someone who's seen it all.

But you don't want a jack of all trades, master of none. You want someone that's specialized in the floor you want, where you want it, how you want it. For any professional epoxy garage flooring services, that's us at GNU Garage. You want to hire a company that has a deep understanding of flake epoxy resin, of garage flooring and the best practices to get the result you want.

Look for flooring experts that have certifications in the epoxy flooring industry, and that have a comprehensive understanding of the product and installation processes. But how do you find this out about a company if you have no experience yourself?

Reviews, Photos & Testimonials

The best referral is authentic, genuine word of mouth recommendations. In this age of Yelp, Google and more, you have more word of mouth endorsements at your fingertips than ever.

Customer reviews are incredibly important when it comes to finding the right epoxy flooring expert. From the quality of service, to the quality of results, you should be able to find what you need when you're looking at the right company.

Read through online reviews from previous clients to get a sense of their experiences with the company. Look for a company with an overall positive rating, with most reviewers citing their experience as professional, clean, and timely. Find out if they have a gallery or a public portfolio of their works, and see if it lines up with what you want.

Quality Resources

When it comes to long-term flooring solutions, you want your contractor to use the highest quality resources on-site. Here at GNU Garage, we use industrial-grade polyaspartic resin to ensure you're getting the most durable, longest lasting floor you can get. And all with the added benefit of its quick-curing qualities!

With a high quality polyaspartic resin, we can get you the "one-day garage floor" you've needed and wanted for so long. As with any flooring installation, we still recommend giving a few days of buffer time to fully set in.

Ask any company or contractor you're thinking about whether they're using an epoxy layer system, or polyaspartic. Ask them to explain to you what they believe is best for your floors, and ask them how long they'll expect your floor to last with the resin they use. If they're a trustworthy contractor, they'll have no issue getting transparent with you about the quality of their resins.

Warranties, Quotes & Estimates

Warranties and free quotes are a homeowner's favorite words. Any epoxy flooring expert in Worcester, MA that truly trusts in their results should have no problem offering these things for you.

Look for a company that offers a warranty on their services. This can include a warranty on the installation, as well as on the product itself. Epoxy flooring is a significant investment, and you want to make sure that your investment is protected for years to come. The right flooring expert will stand behind their work and offer a warranty that provides peace of mind to you!

And not just the warranty - but it's important to get an estimate that's accurate and reliable, and even better if your contractor's initial quote comes free of charge.


The right epoxy flooring experts make all the difference in the world when it comes to your flooring. Don't settle - you, and your floors, deserve to have your vision fulfilled. Remember to look for a company with experience, a public portfolio, and great customer service. Ask about their warranty options, ask for a free quote, and make sure you're getting the right professional epoxy flooring team for your job. With these questions and qualifications in mind, trust that you have made the best decision for your home, and enjoy beautiful, long-lasting epoxy floors for years to come.

Obviously, the team here at GNU Garage wants to make your choice easier. There's no question about our experience, our quality of service and our results. But if you don't believe us - try asking these questions to us before we start installing your new floor! Give us a call and take advantage of our free quote and lifetime warranty options. Trust the best professional epoxy contractors in Worcester, MA to give you the best epoxy garage flooring around.

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